- Michelin GuideThe Inn at Thorn Hill9.4Jackson
- 15 Chocorua View DriveMadison10.0
- 24 Northface CircleNorth Conway
- 20 Island DriveMadison
- Michelin GuidePinkham NotchGorham
- 6 Zermatt StrasseBartlett7.5
- Michelin GuideLake Winnipesaukee
- Michelin GuideMount Washington Cog RailwayBretton Woods
- NEW 2BR Apartment near Lake WinnipesaukeeWolfeboro
- Michelin GuideCrawford Notch
- Kancamagus Swift River InnAlbany9.3
- N10 Sandtrap LoopBartlett9.0
- Michelin GuideWhite MountainsBethel
- Parsonsfield Vacation Rental Near Skiing and Lakes!Freedom8.5
- Town Square CondominiumsWaterville Valley7.7
- Attitash Woods EscapeBartlett7.2
- Michelin GuideMount WashingtonSargent's Purchase
- Michelin GuideKancamagus Highway
- End of results -