- Michelin GuideHospice of the Holy SpiritNaaldwijk
- €27AroundAnatolian ChefsDen Haag9.0
- Michelin GuideTriptyqueWateringen
- B&B de HoekHoek van Holland9.3
- Wellness Bed & Breakfast by LeefMaasland9.5
- KD 883 - Vakantiepark KijkduinThe Hague5.9
- Royal Suites-Gravenzande9.3
- €30AroundChopra's Redfort Indian StreetfoodDen Haag9.1
- Sunset Beach HouseThe Hague8.5
- €35AroundLi's PalaceDen Haag8.9
- dutchduochalet2Heenweg9.3
- Dunes & Sea at KijkduinThe Hague9.1
- €35AroundSteakhouse AsadoWateringen9.3
- Hotel Chapters-Gravenzande8.5
- Vakantiepark Kijkduin - 870The Hague7.3
- €36AroundFletcher Hotel-Restaurant ElzenduinTer Heijde8.8
- Strandcamping Jagtvelds-Gravenzande9.0
- End of results -