- The Rookery on Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw8.0
- O5 The SS James ComriePenneshaw
- MiRi's Shoreline Villa on Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw9.8
- Kepals on the Coast - Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw8.2
- Bower by the SeaPenneshaw9.3
- Penneshaw Oceanview ApartmentsPenneshaw9.2
- MintPenneshaw
- O3 Comrie-MayPenneshaw
- O2 Karatta-ComriePenneshaw
- Shearwaters Apartment Waterfront AccomodationPenneshaw9.0
- Ocean Yakka, Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw10.0
- Little Cuttlefish on Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw9.6
- Seafront Holiday Park Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw8.7
- Ashendens at PenneshawPenneshaw9.1
- Cozy home in PenneshawPenneshaw8.5
- “Charlie Bates Cottage”Penneshaw
- O6 The YC Lily MayPenneshaw10.0
- Seashells PenneshawPenneshaw9.8
- Kangaroo Island Ocean View Premium Couples Retreat "The Rusty Kangaroo"Penneshaw9.8
- Ocean Blue KI. Absolute ocean front, free WiFiPenneshaw9.1
- Sheoak LodgePenneshaw9.1
- O1 Cove LandingPenneshaw
- Seafront Hotel Kangaroo Island8.3Penneshaw
- Millpond.Penneshaw9.8
- O4 The SS KarattaPenneshaw
- Lindsays of Kangaroo Island9.2Penneshaw
- Baudin HousePenneshaw9.4