Schneider Stube

Michelin Guide
Regional Cuisine
The Michelin Guide's review
Hotel Tuchmacher, ensconced in a pretty Renaissance town house with this delightfully cosy restaurant, is an institution here in Görlitz. The classic regional menu includes dishes such as Wiener schnitzel, stewed rabbit leg on Leipziger Allerlei vegetables, and stewed brook trout roll on pickled vegetables. Almost all of the wines are also available by the glass. In summer, the courtyard with its terrace is absolutely idyllic! "Bleicherstube" and "Zunftsaal" are their attractive salons. The location in the heart of the old town is charming – it is next to the church (Pfarrkirche St Peter and Paul) and not far from the Lausatian Neiße River that borders Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Its strengths
Peterstraße 802826 Görlitz